There are many reasons you might need stock photos of books. You might want to add more visual appeal to a book review blog. You might be creating a brochure for a nonprofit teaching kids to read. You might be making a website template for libraries.
The right book images can add a lot of value to your project. However, you might not have the budget to pay for them. The good news is that I have downloaded a bunch of great book images that are available under CC0 public domain licenses. You will be able to use these photos for any purpose without copyright restriction. You might still need to get a model or trademark release, but you don’t have any copyright concerns to worry about.
I also have more images available on my shop at Master Bundles. You can also get a lot of great stock photos of books from Shutterstock.
However, if you just want some great photos for free, then you can download coupons below. I hope they help with your project!