Spectacular Images of Castle Geyser for Reuse

Castle Geyser is a very popular geyser in Yellowstone National Park in Tenton County, Wyoming. It has a cone that has been formed from large amounts of opaline silica deposits. The geyser often has eruptions that reach nearly 100 feet!

Are you working on a project that requires images of Castle Geyser? You have come to the right place. You can find some images of this beautiful place below.

The following images were found through Creative Commons websites and have been marked as either being in the public domain or a CC0 copyright license. Most of them came from the Yellowstone National Park Flickr page and are marked as “public domain.” You should be able to use them for any purpose, whether commercial or non-commercial without having to provide attribution. You should also be able to use the images to create new derivative works. However, you should always get a model release for commercial projects if identifiable human subjects are visible.

We hope these images are of use to you. Please feel free to share any other Creative Commons images of Castle Geyser that you might come across! If we can verify that they are CC0 copyright licenses, then we will happily share them on this page. Otherwise, we may create a separate page and share them with the respective copyright terms and provide attribution to the originator.

Thanks for reading and we hope these images prove useful!