Are you looking for free photos of houses to use for your blog, brochure, T-shirt design, website template or other project? You don’t have to look any further!
Here are some great free images of houses that you can use for any purpose. All of these images have either been around for so long that they are in the public domain or have been released into the public domain under a CC0 license. This means that there are no copyright restrictions on them.
You might need a model or trademark release if any visible people or trademarks are in the images. Otherwise, do whatever you like with them!
You can also purchase a larger bundle of 130 stock photos on my listing page at Master Bundles. You could also go to Shutterstock if you want a broader selection. You’ll find more images on Shutterstock, but you have to review the restrictions carefully. The benefit of the ones below is that you can do whatever you want without any concerns of copyrights.